no-Dance with me II and Silencio
Such a long time without any updates here on my website (again...!). I blame Hemsida24 because they are going to take to another platform with new tools and I have been waiting for this for months. To write blog here on is not convenient at all and I really look forward to new tools because I have a lot to show and to tell you from both my life and my studio. So many things are happening all the time. Life. So this text will be a bit longer to try to catch up a bit.
Of course I have painted new paintings since last year, but one of our flash suddenly broke down so I still couldn't take good photos of them yet. The flashes are needed because of the acrylic glas that I use. But we are working on getting it repaired or to get a new one.
S.L or autonomo in Spain as artists
To run business in Spain is really complicated. If you are an artist and are going to move to Spain, don't make the same mistakes as we did; don't start an S.L! I still hate the guy on Svensk Bokföringsservice that stole money from us and gave us totally wrong advices concerning the form of our companies. We have learned the hard way that a S.L cannot paint or sell paintings and that is what we are doing as artists. Such an expensive experience! It will be a relief to get rid of it!
Open studio on Thursdays
As you might know we opened our studio in Pedro Lorca 130, Torrevieja to public on Thursdays between 18-20.30. We will continue with this! So great to meet new people in our new hometown! We practice our Spanish, our English, and even Dutch and of course Norwegian and Swedish. I love to live here where I can use all these languages frequently. My Spanish still needs to improve so I try to study it as often as I get the opportunity. It is hard work to learn a new language, but I am glad it still is possible even if I am not so young anymore. And if you don't speak any of these languages you are welcome anyway. Through our art we can communicate quite well, but in another way. So I hope to see you here one day!
New paintings
The painting I present in todays blog I call "Dance with me II"

I fell in love with this girl on a Halloween party and took some photos of her while she was dancing. She was so focused that she forgot about the world around her. Those are the most beautiful moments, the moments when you let everything go like she did. They are what art is about, the essence of the depth where you loose room and time. Unfortunately the photo is taken by my phone so you se reflections in the glas. As soon as I get a new flash I will retake it.
Under her I show two paintings I needed to do. They are called Silencio and means a lot to me as they describe different things. They are a comment to all the shit comments on internet that you read but don't find time or energy to answer because you know it is hopeless to convince bad people. They are a comment to how it is to not be able to express yourself in a new language. They comment your chosen or not chosen silence and give it strength. It becomes more and more clear that words alone not are enough to communicate. You need the body language, the face, the smell and the rhythm in order to be able to fully understand eachother. And they are comments the right to say what you have on your heart.
Have a great weekend!