May 17 As a child, that day was as big as Christmas Eve or Easter Eve. In my youth I took some distance from it all and then I moved abroad where it was not relevant to celebrate May 17th. This year, for the first time in my life, I have one child at a Norwegian school, which means that May 17 was celebrated traditionally together with several thousand other Norwegians here in Spain. It evoked an incredible number of memories and strange feelings in me. At school there was a great event afterwards and that was where I saw my next painting grow. A woman my own age sat on a swing. She scouted across the schoolyard quite calmly. I took a picture of her with my mobile that I could later use as a support in the painting. During the process, I filmed a bit. Filming is disruptive, but it may be required these days where everything has to be shown digitally. The result was this little movie:
You will see the painting live in the studio in Pedro Lorca 130, Torrevieja on 4/6! Welcome!